Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thursday Joke

One day in the Garden of Eden...
Eve: Adam, do you really love me?
Adam: no, not really.
Eve: WHAT?! Then why did you make love to me??
Adam: HELLO?!? as if I had a choice!

Types of couple:
boy handsome + girl pretty = made in heaven
boy handsome + girl ugly = true love
boy ugly + girl pretty = expert in courting
boy ugly + girl ugly = no choice

Surgery Terms:
Removal of Apendix - Apendectomy
Removal of breast - Mastectomy
Removal of virginity – Giveitomebaby

Movie title corruptions:
I Know Who You Did Last Summer;
I Still Know Who You did Last Summer;
Shaving Ryan's Private;
A Boobs Life;
Wet Dreams May Come..

Court Scene:
1st Lawyer: You're a fool!
2nd Lawyer: You're a damn fool!
Judge: As the lawyers have now properly identified each other,
can we now proceed with the case?

Doctor to a Mental patient:
We are going to release you for saving your friend
from drowning. The only thing is he hung himself in the toilet.
Patient: He didn't hang himself; I left him there to dry!

Q: What's the difference between Biology and Sociology?
A: When the baby look like the father, its Biology.
When the baby looks like the neighbor, its Sociology!
