Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ini Kisah Orang Sakit Mental Yang Minat MAWI

Mild.. jangan cakap blog nie.. wad mental ekk.. :))..

Satu hari seorang pengawal membuat rondaan disetiap bilik orang sakit mental, dalam rondaannya dia terdengar nyanyian yang merdu walupun tak bunyi macam suara Mawi tapi suaranya memang hebat dengan suaranya yang tersendiri mengalunkan lagu Intifada.

Kata pengawal itu dalam hatinya,"tak sangka ada juga orang yang sakit mental ni boleh menyanyi dengan hebat. Ingatkan radio atau kaset yang dipasang oleh pengawal yang lain." sambil melihat dari luar pesakit tu menyanyi sambil telentang di atas katilnya. Pengawal terus melalui bilik itu dan berjalan terus untuk meronda kebilik2 pesakit yang lain.

Setelah selesai pengawal berpatah balik. Apabila samp ai ke bilik pesakit mental yang menyanyi tadi ia masih menyanyi tetapi kali ini lagu aduh saliha pulak. Dia menyanyikannya memang hebat, bagus sekali tone suaranya, cuma dia sakit mental aje kalau tak boleh buat album....tapi kali ini dia menyanyikan lagu aduh saliha tu dalam keadaan meniarap, lagu intifada yang mula2 tadi terlentang? pengawal tu hairan dan bertanya pada pesakit mental tu...

"kenapa kamu menyanyi meniarap? tadi terlentang?"

Jawab pesakit mentaltu.....
"Tadi SIDE A...ini SIDE B lah pulak...."

Pengawal tupun beredar dari situ dan berkata dalam hatinya..
"betul jugak"



Don't eat chicken sandwiches, no matter what..... hahaha.. hahaha.. joke only aa
A little boy and a little girl attended the same school and became friends. Every day they would sit together to eat their lunch. They discovered that they both brought chicken sandwiches every day!
This went on all through the fourth and fifth grades, until one day he noticed that her sandwich wasn't a chicken sandwich.
He said, "Hey, how come you're not eating chicken, don't you like it anymore?"
She said "I love it but I have to stop eating it."
"Why?" he asked.
She pointed to her lap and said
"Cause I'm starting to grow little feathers down there!"
"Let me see" he said.
"Okay" and she pulled up her skirt.
He looked and said, "That's right. You are!
Better not eat any more chicken."
He kept eating his chicken sandwiches until one day he brought
peanut butter.
He said to the little girl, "I have to stop eating chicken
I'm starting to get feathers down there too!"
She asked if she could look, so he pulled down his pants for her.
She said "Oh, my God, it's too late for you!
You've already got the neck and the GIBLETS

Black and White Twin

When Kylie Hodgson gave birth to twin daughters by caesarean section, she was just relieved that they had arrived safely. It was only when the midwife handed them over for her to hold that she noticed the difference between them.

Remee, who weighed 5lb 15oz, was blonde and fair skinned. Her sister Kian, born a minute later weighing 6lb, was black. 'Our two gorgeous little girls' "It was a shock when I realised that my twins were two different colours," said Kylie, 19. "But it doesn't matter to us - they are just our two gorgeous little girls."

The amazing conception happened after two eggs were fertilised at the same time in the womb. Both Kylie and her partner Remi Horder, 17, are of mixed race. Their mothers are both white and their fathers are black. According to the Multiple Births Foundation, baby Kian must have inherited the black genes from both sides of the family, whilst Remee inherited the white ones.

Kylie, from Nottingham, discovered she was pregnant in the summer of 2004 and a scan at the Queen's Medical Centre revealed that twins were on the way. "It was a shock at first to discover I was expecting as we hadn't been trying for a family," she said I had my 14-week scan and the sonographer ran the scanner over my stomach and announced that I was carrying twins. "We couldn't believe it. Neither of us could take our eyes off the scanner - you could just see two of everything, even the outline of their little noses. We were both overwhelmed."

The twins were born by caesarean in April last year because one of the girls was lying in an awkward position in the womb. "I didn't see them at first," added their mother. "They were both whisked away to be checked over and then the midwife came back and placed them both in my arms.

"I noticed that both of them had beautiful blue eyes, but whilst Remee was blonde, Kian's hair was black and she had darker skin. "It seemed strange, but I was feeling so ill that I didn't really take it in at that stage."

The next day she mentioned the colour difference to her mother, who told her that Remee's skin would darken as she grew older. But as the weeks passed, Remee became lighter still while Kian went darker. And while Remee's eyes stayed blue, Kian's turned brown.
"There are some similarities between them," said their mother. "They both love apples and grapes, and their favourite television programme is Teletubbies. "If they haven't seen each other for a few hours, they are so pleased to see each other and will hold out their arms, wanting to hug each other. And their smiles just light up their faces. "I'll explain it all to them when they get older about why they look so different."

Million to one odds. The odds against of a mixed race couple having twins of dramatically different colour are a million to one. Skin colour is believed to be determined by up to seven different genes working together. If a woman is of mixed race, her eggs will usually contain a mixture of genes coding for both black and white skin. Similarly, a man of mixed race will have a variety of different genes in his sperm. When these eggs and sperm come together, they will create a baby of mixed race.

But, very occasionally, the egg or sperm might contain genes coding for one skin colour. If both the egg and sperm contain all white genes, the baby will be white. And if both contain just the versions necessary for black skin, the baby will be black. For a mixed-race couple, the odds of either of these scenarios is around 100 to one. But both scenarios can occur at the same time if the woman conceives non-identical twins, another 100 to one chance. This involves two eggs being fertilised by two sperm at the same time, which also has odds of around 100 to one. If a sperm containing all-white genes fuses with a similar egg and a sperm coding for purely black skin fuses with a similar egg, two babies of dramatically different colours will be born.

The odds of this happening are 100 x 100 x 100 - a million to one.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Kekayaan, Kejayaan Dan kasih Sayang

Seorang wanita sedang keluar dari rumahnya apabila dia terlihat tiga orang lelaki tua berjanggut panjang yang berwarna putih sedang duduk dihalaman rumahnya. Dia tidak kenal akan mereka.

Wanita itu bertanya, " Saya tidak fikir saya mengenali awak semua, tetapi saya pasti awak semua mesti sedang lapar. Silalah masuk kerumah saya dan makan sesuatu."

"Adakah suami awak ada dirumah?", mereka bertanya.

"Tidak", wanita itu berkata. "Suami saya telah keluar."

"Jadi, kami tidak akan masuk", mereka menjawap.

Sewaktu suaminya pulang ke rumah pada petang itu, wanita itu pun memberitahunya kejadian tersebut. "Pergi beritahu mereka bahawa saya telah balik dan menjemput mereka masuk kedalam sekarang!"

Wanita itu keluar dan menjemput ketiga-tiga lelaki tua itu masuk ke dalam.

"Kami tidak akan masuk ke dalam rumah bersama-sama," mereka menjawap.

"Mengapa begitu?" wanita itu ingin tahu.

Salah seorang dari lelaki tua itu pun menerangkan :

"Namanya ialah Kekayaan," Dia berkata sambil menunjuk ke arah salah seorang kawannya, dan beralih menunjuk kearah kawan yang seorang lagi, " Dia adalah Kejayaan, dan saya adalah Kasih Sayang."

Dia menyambung lagi, "Sekarang masuklah semula kedalam rumah dan berbincanglah dengan suami awak, siapakah di antara kami bertiga yang kamu ingin jemput kedalam rumah."

Wanita itu pun masuk semula kedalam dan memberitahu suaminya perkara tersebut. Suaminya berasa sungguh gembira.
"Bagusnya!!" dia berkata. "Kalau macam tu jemputlah Kekayaan masuk. Biar dia masuk dan mengisi rumah kita ini dengan Kekayaan!"

Isterinya tidak bersetuju. "Abang, kenapa pula kita tidak menjemput Kejayaan?"

Kebetulan, menantu perempuan mereka juga sedang mendengar perbualan itu dari satu sudut rumah yang lain. Dia lalu menyampuk dan memberikan pandangannya :
"Bukankah lebih baik sekiranya kita menjemput Kasih Sayang? Rumah kita ini pasti akan diselubungi dengan Kasih Sayang!"

"Biarlah kita mengikut nasihat menantu kita itu," kata suami itu kepada isterinya.

"Keluar dan jemputlah Kasih Sayang sebagai tetama kita."

Wanita itu pun keluar dan bertanya kepada tiga lelaki tua, "Yang mana satu diantara kamu adalah Kasih Sayang? Silalah masuk dan jadi tetamu kami."

Kasih Sayang bangun dan mula berjalan ke arah rumah. Kedua-dua lelaki yang lain juga bangun dan mengikutinya. Terperanjat, wanita itu pun bertanya kepada Kekayaan dan Kejayaan :
"Saya cuma menjemput Kasih Sayang, mengapa kamu juga ikut sekali?"

Mereka semua menjawab: "Jika awak menjemput samada Kekayaan atau Kejayaan, yang lain akan tunggu diluar, tetapi oleh kerana awak telah menjemput Kasih Sayang, kemana-mana sahaja dia pergi, kami akan pergi bersamanya.

Dimana ada Kasih Sayang, disitu juga ada Kekayaan dan `Kejayaan!"

Money.. Money.. Money..

Friday, February 24, 2006

Macam nie pun ader ke..????

A Good One

Remember to take a break - have a kit kat lah.. don't stress up :D
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar...and the coffee...

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions-things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else- the small stuff." "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Hope you are smiling at this moment!

Tahukah Anda - Edisi Pengetahuan Am

Tahukah Anda, manusia dikenali melalui nombor pengenalannya walaupun mempunyai nama panggilan tetapi penggunaannya terhad atau tidak unik. Manakala bagi objek astronomi di langit ia diwakili dengan nombor pengenalan dan koordinat lokasi. Terdapat juga yang menggunakan nama panggilan cthnya ialah nama planet, galaksi Andromeda, komet Halley, asteroid Eros dan sebagainya. Ia berdasarkan mitos, sejarah atau agama pada masa itu. Selalunya dahulu kala, nama komet diberi daripada nama ahli astronomi yang menemuinya. Sekiranya ahli astronomi itu telah mengabadikan nama beliau pada asteroid yang pernah ditemuinya, maka untuk asteroid yang ditemui seterusnya, beliau boleh menggunakan nama keluarga, saudara atau rakannya sendiri dengan syarat nama ini belum pernah digunakan lagi.

Taukah Anda bendera negara Denmark telah dicipta 700 tahun lampau, menjadikan bendera paling lama digunakan di dunia lebih lama daripada penggunaan susu cap bendera.

Tahukah Anda dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Italy, jurugambar dikenali sebagai paparazi. Perkataan itu dipercayai diambil dari watak paparazzo dalam filem La Dolce Vita yang diterbitkan oleh Federico Fellini pada tahun 1960. Dalam bahasa melayu pula, ayah kepada seorang budak yang bernama Razzi juga boleh dikenali dengan nama papa Razzi.

Tahukah Anda perkataan May Day yang diulang sebut ketika berlaku kecemasan, baik di laut atau udara berasal daripada bahasa Perancis M'aidez yang bermaksud ''tolong saya''. Perkataan Mydin yang tertera pada Pasaraya Mydin pula bukan bermaksud ia dimiliki oleh pelawak terkenal Maideen.

Tahukah Anda kedua belah kaki kita tidak sama besar kerana sebelah adalah kaki kanan dan sebelah lagi adalah kaki kiri. Namanya saja sudah tidak sama jadi tentunya besarnya juga tidak sama.

Tahukah Anda magnet ialah sejenis logam yang juga digelar besi berani. Sebagaimana namanya magnet ialah besi yang berani menarik butir-butir besi lain kearahnya. Bagaimanapun orang yang diupah untuk menarik kereta bukanlah magnet.

Tahukah Anda cicak memutuskan ekornya apabila diganggu. Apabila cicak menyedari yang dia diekori oleh sesuatu, ia akan memutuskan ekornya supaya benda itu tidak mengekorinya lagi atas alasan tanpa ekor sudah tentu ia tidak akan diekori lagi.

Tahukah Anda burung dapat pulang ke sarangnya walaupun telah keluar kadangkala hingga beribu kilometer daripada sarangnya tanpa sesat atau silap walaupun tanpa bantuan kompas. Ini kerana setiap sarang burung mempunyai alamatnya yang tersendiri sebenarnya.

Tahukah Anda bunyi perkataan lempeng dan tempeleng adalah hampir sama walaupun ia berbeza dari segi rupa bentuknya. Tapi, walaubagaimanapun orang yang kena tempeleng masih boleh memakan lempeng apabila dia berasa lapar.

Tahukah Anda gunung berapi yang berusia tiga ratus tahun disahkan masih aktif untuk meletup. Tapi mengikut kajian ahli gunung, api elektrik di rumah kita tidak akan aktif jika tidak membayar bilnya selama tiga bulan.

Tahukah Anda orang yang tidak pernah kisah langsung tentang wang ringgit, pangkat, kedudukan dan harta dunia ialah Orang Utan. Orang jugak.. yang ini memang fakta yang termaktub..

Tahukah Anda antara kereta kebal dan tok guru ilmu kebal, ahlak kereta kebal adalah lebih baik kerana kereta kebal walaupun ia kebal tapi tak pernah membanggakan diri dan riak akan kekebalannya.

Tahukah Anda ahli sains seluruh dunia bersepakat jika nasi ayam dimakan sewaktu lapar, perut kita akan mengalami satu tindakbalas yang berupa kekenyangan. Nasi ayam juga boleh digunakan sebagai ubat untuk menggembirakan hati kita bila nasi ayam yang dimakan itu dibelanja oleh kawan kita.

Tahukah Anda Sistem Gear sememangnya sinonim dengan bangsa Greek. Artifak, barang purba berbentuk seperti jam berusia 2000 tahun ini terdiri dari permukaan yang boleh didail, gear, roda dan piring yang diukir didapati suatu Mekanisme yang membuat pengiraan pergerakan bintang dan planet. Sememangnya tidak ada alat yang sedemikian rupa sehingga kini dapat dibandingkan dengan penciptaannya.

Tahukah Anda bahwa semua jenis kucing yang ada berasal dari satu nenek moyang?? Apakah kucing itu mengeong atau mengaum, dia tetap saja turunan dari spesies Felis silvestris, yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai kucing liar Afrika, kucing liar Eropa dan kucing liar Steppe. Jenis yang paling kecil adalah kucing berbulu bintik-bintik yang ditemukan di Sri Lanka. Ukurannya setengah ukuran kucing kampung. Sedangkan kucing yang terbesar adalah seekor harimau. Harimau jantan Siberia atau harimau Amur mempunyai panjang badan keseluruhan lebih dari 3m (10 ft) dan berat badan hingga 300kg (660 lb).

Singa adalah rajanya para kucing. Berbeda dari jenis kucing lainnya, tidak hanya dalam penampilannya saja, tetapi juga dari sifat hidupnya yang berkelompok. Seekor singa jantan berat badannya mencapai 225kg (500 lb) dan panjang badannya dapat mencapai hingga 3m (10 ft). Kucing yang tercepat, cheetah, juga merupakan binatang daratan yang paling cepat larinya. Dapat mencapai kecepatan 95 km/jam (60 mph) dalam waktu singkat. Tidak seperti kucing lainnya, dia tidak mengaum melainkan bersuara melengking. Dan seperti kucing rumahan, dia juga mendengkur. Meong! Kucing kampong mendengkur setiap 26 kali per detik, sama dengan frekwensi mesin disel dalam keadaan idle. Kucing kampung dapat mendengar frekswensi suara hingga 65 kHz, sedangkan manusia hingga 20 kHz. Kemampuan indera penciumannya 14 kali lebih kuat daripada penciuman manusia.

Tahu ke atau sekarang baru tau?


Letter To Your Boss

Hi Boss,

People who do lots of work...
make lots of mistakes

People who do less work...
make less mistakes

People who do no work...
make no mistakes

People who make no mistakes...
gets promoted

That's why I spend most of my time
sending e-mails & playing games at work

I need a promotion.
Ur Staff

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Kisah rumah tangga- kelakar

***Puisi Suami yg minta izin Pologami***

Isteriku, jika engkau bumi, akulah matahari.
Aku akan menyinari mu kerana engkau mengharapkan sinaran dari ku.
Ingatlah bahtera yg kita kayuh, begitu penuh riak gelombang.
Aku pasti akan tetap menyinari bumi, hingga kadang-kadang bumi terasa
akan silauan ku. Lantas aku ingat satu hal bahawa Tuhan mencipta
bukan hanya bumi, malah ada planet lain yang juga mengharapkan sinaranku.
Lalu.. Relakanlah aku menyinari planet lain, menyampaikan faedah
adanya aku, kerana sudah takdir Illahi sinaranku diperlukan diplanet lain...

***Balasan Puisi Sang Isteri***

Suamiku, andai kau memang mentari, sang surya yang memberi cahaya,
aku merelakan engkau berikan sinaranmu kepada segala planet yang
telah TUHAN ciptakan kerana mereka juga seperti aku perlukan cahaya mu dan
akupun juga tidak akan merasa kekurangan dengan sinaran mu...
AKAN TETAPIIIIIIII.. Bila kau hanya sejengkal lilin yang berkekuatan
5 watt sahaja, jangan lah bermimpi untuk menyinari planet lain!!!
Kerana bilik tidur kita yang kecil pun belum sanggup kau terangi.
Lihatlah diri mu pada cermin kaca di sudut kamar kita,
di tengah remang-remang pancaran cahaya mu yang telah aku mengerti...
Cuba lihat siapa dirimu... MATAHARI atau lilin ?
atau jangan-jangan cuma mancis sahaja!!

please lah...!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Muslim Jokes

Two men were on a plane on a business trip when a Muslim couple boarded the
plane and were seated right in front of them. The two men, eager to have
some fun, started talking loudly.
"My boss is sending me to Saudi Arabia", the one said, "But I don't want to
go...too many Muslims there!"
The Muslim couple noticeably heard and grew uncomfortable.
The other guy laughed, "Oh, yeah, my boss wanted to send me to Pakistan but
I refused...WAY too many Muslims!"
Smiling, the first man said, "One time I was in Iran but I HATED the fact
that there were so many Muslims!"
The couple fidgeted.
The other guy responded, "Oh, yeah...you can't go ANYWHERE to get away from
them...the last time I was in FRANCE I ran into a bunch of them too!"
The Muslim couple glanced over their shoulders, noticeably irritated.
The first guy was laughing hysterically as he added, "That is why you'll
never see me in Indonesia...WAY too many Muslims!"
At this, the Muslim man turned around. "Why don't you go to Hell?" he
asked. "I hear there won't be very many Muslims THERE!"


Three imams were walking down a street talking, when a very beautiful young
muslimah walked past. They all turned their gaze to the floor as she walked
The first one slowly shook his head and said: "mashallah, mashallah.."
The second one also shook his head and said: "subhanallah, subhanallah.."
The third one look towards the sky and said:" INSYALLAH, INSYALLAH!!"


A very beautiful woman was walking on the roof of a building and she
suddenly trips over something and falls down. On her way falling down, an
American man catches her, she says: "Oh thank you, you saved my life, I'll
do ANYTHING for you..."
The man says: "Okay then, sleep with me."
She says : "You PIG!! NEVER!!"
So he says "FINE!" and he drops her down....
So she's falling and screaming..........................
Suddenly a German man catches her in the air from his balcony, she says,
"Oh thank you, you saved me, I'll do anything that you ask..."
The guy says : "Fraulein, sleep with me."
She replies: "Oh you nasty pig!!! NEVER!"
So the man says : "Fine!!!" and he also drops her down again.
She's falling and thinking that it was better if she slept with one of
those men and now she's going to die.
Suddenly, a Muslim man catches the woman from his balcony, she says : "Oh
thank you, you saved my life, I'll SLEEP with you!!"
The Muslim man replies : "Astaqfirullah!" and he drops her.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Orang Gila Juga Yg Boleh Menasihati Orang Gila

Mat, lelaki gila berumur 35 tahun baru saja terlepas dari wadnya.
Beliau lari sekuat hati kerana dikepung oleh sepasukan petugas
hospital. Tiba di tepi pagar Mat lantas memanjang satu tiang lampu
yang tinggi. Ketua unit jaga yang mengawal hospital datang dan
mengarahkan Mat turun, Mat tidak mahu turun. Datang pula pengarah
hospital, "Mat!!Turun Mat nanti jatuh", katanya. Mat tidak mahu turun

Dipanggilnya pihak bomba, "Mat! Turun Mat, kalu tidak kami potong
tiang lampu ini" kata seorang pegawai bomba sambil mengacu-acukan
gergaji elektrik di pangkal tiang lampu itu., Namun Mat tidak
bergerak pun untuk turun. Dipanggilnya pihak polis, "Mat turun
Mat!"teriak seorang sarjan polis, kalau engkau tak turun nanti kami
bom tiang ini dan engkau akan mati!!Turun Mat!. Mat tidak turun-turun

Lama-lama pengarah hospital pergi berjumpa dengan Man, seorang teman
Mat dalam wad gila itu kalau-kalau dia boleh membantu.
"Man!Harap-harap Man boleh tolong turunkan Mat dari atas tiang
lampu"Tolonglah Man ya!
Jawab Man"Ohhh!!!Itu senang saja" Lalu Man dibawa kepada tiang lampu

Setibanya di situ, pengarah hospital pun berkata, "Man! Man nak pilih
alat yang mana? Sama ada gergaji atau pun bom itu. "Ahh!Man nak
gergaji!" Baiklah! Ambillah gergaji itu.

Lalu Man mengangkat gergaji dan mengacu-acukan pada pangkal tiang
lampu itu. Man pun berteriak, Hoi Mat!!!Hang turun, kalau hang tak
turun aku tebang tiang lampu ni!!Hang turun lekas!!
Mendengarkan amaran itu Mat yang berada hampir 3 jam di atas tiang
itu pun turun dengan pantas lalu ditangkap oleh para petugas

Pemberita pun datang menemubual Mat. "Kenapa Mat turun bila
Man datang sedangkan bomba dan polis datang Mat tak turun?
Jawab Mat; "Polis ker bomba ka, depa tak akan buat!Tapi Man ni
apabila dia kata lagu tue dia akan buat sungguh sebab Man tue GILA!"

Cerita Kelakar Di Petang Selasa..

Amat, Abu dan Budin tersesat di dalam hutan sewaktu memburu. Mereka
kemudiannya ditangkap oleh sekumpulan orang asli yang merupakan cannibal.
Sewaktu dihadapkan ke ketua puak cannibal, ketua puak mengatakan mereka
tidak akan dijadikan sup dan dimakan jika mereka lepas ujian yang akan
diberikan. Mereka dikehendaki pergi ke dalam hutan dan mencari 10 buah yang
sama jenis. Lalu mereka pun pergi la ke dalam hutan bersama2 beberapa orang
asli yang akan mempastikan mereka takkan lari.

Amat kembali dan membawa 10 biji buah epal. Ketua puak cannibal itu
kemudiannya berkata "Kamu dikehendaki menyumbat kesemua buah2 tersebut
kedalam lubang bontot kamu tanpa sebarang ekspressi diwajah kamu atau kamu
akan dimakan!". Maka bermulalah sesi menyumbat buah epal ke dalam lubang
bontot Amat, SATU!!! jerit semua orang-orang asli. Belum sempat epal kedua
disumbat, Amat sudah menjerit kesakitan, lalu Amat diikat dan diletak dalam
kawah besar untuk direbus jadi sup.

Abu pula kembali membawa 10 biji anggur. Ketua puak menerangkan perkara
yang sama kepada Abu. Abu merasa takdelah susah mana. Dari jauh Amat
mendengar orang-orang asli menjerit SATU!!! DUA!!!! TIGA!!! EMPAT!!!
LIMA!!! ENAM!!! TUJUH!!! LAPAN!!!!, tiba-tiba Amat terdengar Abu ketawa
terbahak-baha. Beberapa minit kemudian Abu diletakkan bersebelahan Amat
dalam kawah besar.

"Weiii yang ko gelak apehal???...ko dah nak lepas tadi dah!!" bentak Amat.
Abu jawab "takleh tahanla beb...tengah aku relax2 sumbat anggur tiba2 Budin
balik bawak tembikai 10 bijik".

Kena Tag.. Mak Aiii

Pagi tadi, bila bukak blog je, ada message dari masy cakap acik kena tag…. Aper ke mendenyer tag tu.?? Takpe, to find out, meh kita ke blog Masy… baru le acik tau, kena jawab soklan yang dia pernah kena tanya ngan members yang lain, nie pun lepas acik ke blog Mayameera, sebab dia pun kena tag jugak.. khikhikhi.... sungguh hampess ko masy.. ader ke acik di tagnyer.

Tak pe to be sporting, acik akan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk jawab soklan2 yang ditanya tu sebaik mungkin… ishkkk macam nak jawab soklan periksa lah pulak nie..

4 jobs:
1. memula acik keje jadik tukang mop lantai.. tu kat umah mak le.. dia tak bagi upah pun dia suh mop je.
2. lepas mop, acik kena masak.. nie pun kat umah mak jugak.. yang nie tak dapat upah duit, tapi dapat makan.. kira macam sendiri masak sendiri makan la.. dulu le acik suka masak.. sekarang malas banyak dari rajin.. tu yang selalu makan lauk tunjuk-tunjuk.. khikhikhi..
3. apa lagik ekk keje yang acik pernah buat.. acik pernah jadik baby sitter.. itu pun jaga adik sendiri lah.. bukan adik/anak orang lain pun.. penat tau nak jaga budak nie.. nak2 kalau budak suka meragam.. poning kepalo acik nie J.. nie le keje yang banyak rugi.. bukan aje tak dapek duit.. tapi duit acik pulak terbang kena bagi kat bebudak tu.. ishkk.. ishkk..ishkk..
4. last sekali keje nie acik buat sampai skang.. tak berenti lagi nie. Simpan dan kira duit kutu.. pekerjaan nie acik paling suko buek.. sebab selalu pegang duit, walau pun duit orang kira duit gak tu.. ekekeke.. ekekeke..
Errr.. asal boleh je le masy ekk.. janji rockkkk..

4 movies
1. yang paling2 acik suka of course le “Lord Of The Ring”.. pasai apa.. malas nak baca buku dia yang tebal2 tu kan.. so, bila citer dia kuar siap ngan sound & visual effect yang pergghhh, apo laie.. pulun nengok le..
2. Terminator – part 2, citer mengarut yang paling best la kiranya nie..
3. semua citer P.Ramlee. yang kelakar2.. contoh dia .. keluarga 69 yang main kat TV2 baru2 nie.. 10 kali nengok pun tak boring.. aku naik heran gak bila setiap kali P.Ramlee and the geng buat lawak, aku mesti tergelak… mungkin aku gelak sebab dorang punya lawak nie selamba je, kira macam tak pakai msg.. perencah asli biasa nya paling sodap..
4. Kuch kuch hota heyy.. aku rasa macam tu le ejaan pelem nie.. ok le citer nie, tak boring.
4 places I have lived
1. umah mak kat kampong, ayah dah takde, so skang nie, mak je yang dok kat umah tu ngan 2 orang adik
2. kat pantai dalam, nie tinggal menyewa ngan adik
3. kat Singapore, umah mak mertua & last sekali
4. skang nie tinggal kat cheras, kira macam latest address la tu.

4 tv shows I love to watch
1. Buletin Utama, seboleh mungkin nak kena nengok gak tu, kalau termiss rasa macam ketinggalan sesuatu..
2. Motivasi pagi kat TV3, sebelum pergi kerja, masa nak bersiap2 tu on kan TV, dengar je penceramah tu cakap.. seronok tau
3. Buletin pagi, biasanya ulang balik dari bulletin utama, tapi kalau ada latest news dorang updatekan jugak.
4.Macam-macam aznil.. tapi sejak dua menjak dah tak boleh nak nengok lagik sebab dah takde astro lagi. Baru dua bulan unsubscribe astro nie.. lain kali citer pasal astro nie..
Citer hiburan lain bukan tak nengok, tapi tak follow sangat.. tapi bulletin nie, it’s a must watch kan :D

4 places I’ve been on vacation
1.Singapore nie kira letak sebab nak cukupkan empat je muahahaha.. hahaha
2. Medan.. MasyaAllah cantik betul Danau Toba.. sesaper yang belum pi lagi, pi le nengok Keindahan Ciptaan Allah..
3. Bangkok, pattaya & sewaktu dengannya. Tak nak pi lagi.. tak sesuai le ngan selera..
4. Malaysia lah semestinya.. sebab nak sahut cuti2 Malaysia.. last year bercuti kat serawak…

4 blogs I visit daily
1. sudah semestinya nukilan laila..
2. kengkadang satu hari banyak blog lawat.. ader gak tak lawat langsung.. so, selain dari blog sendiri yang hehari mesti jengok, blog lain tak tentu hari.. so, tak daily sangat, tak yah le nak mention..
3. …
4. …

4 my favourite foods
1. Ikan tengiri masak asam pedas mak mertua punya masakan .. power sehhh..
2. Mee jawa/rebus Singapore..
3. Sup Tulang Singapore .. uikk asek2 singapore jerkkk.. aper nak buekk dah selero cam gitu..
4. Nasi minyak mak kat kampong..
4 places I’d rather be
1. Umrah @ haji kat Mekah
2. nak sangat pergi Rome.. kota bersejarah tu..
3. nak pi kota London :D..
4. nak pi semua tempat yang best-best & menarik.. tak kira di mana saja.. belukar belakang umah kat kampong pun menarik gak tu khikhikhi..

4 album I can’t live without
dulu acik ader le selalu beli album, tapi sejak dua menjak nie takde ahh.. last sekali beli album Radja & peter pan.. tapi still can live without this album muahahaha.. hahahah
4 vehicles I owned
satu je kenderaan yang acik ader..kereta wira.. tu je sesatunyer yang acik ado. 3 lagik dalam ado.. tapi ado dalam angan2 ajoo.. khikhikhi..

Tag ini akan dipanjangkan lagi pada.. alamak kena ke.. takpo, acik teruskan ajo tradisi tag mengtag nih.. so.. pada yang berkenaan tu.. sorry ekk.. hihihi

1. Kak lady
2. Mild

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Monday, February 13, 2006

Woman To Woman

Someone will always be prettier. They will always be smarter. Their house will be bigger. They will drive a better car. Their children will do better in school. And their husband will fix more things around the house.

So let it go, and love you and your circumstances. Think about it. The prettiest woman in the world can have sorrow in her heart. And the most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children. And the richest woman you know -- she's got the car, the house, the clothes --might be lonely. And the Word says if I have not Love, I am nothing.

So, again, love you. Love who you are right now and let God be your barometer. Mirror Him. Look in the mirror in the morning and see how much of God you see. He's the only standard and even when you come up short; He will not leave you or forsake you. Smile and may God continue to bless you.

"I am too blessed to be stressed or depressed, and too anointed to be disappointed!" The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. "The one who kneels to God can stand up to anything."

"Winners make things happen. Losers let things happen."

Be Blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman.

"To the world, you might be only one person, but to one person, you just might be the world."

"God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the 'ONE' I can change, and the wisdom to know that it's ME"

Have a great day and remember...
"Kindness is contagious

Friday, February 10, 2006

Betul Ke Filem Kita Wajah Kita???

Macamana aku boleh terfikirkan persoalan nie.. hahahha.. hahahah.. tergelak jugak aku sorang-sorang bila tetiba aje aku mempersoalkan betul ke filem kita wajah kita nie. Almaklum lah sejak aku mendapat cuti sakit yang panjang giler ari tu, tak ada bende aku nak buat kat umah selain dari makan tido, tengok tv, baca surat khabar, beli semua majalah dan tengok VCD. Masa nie lah aku sempat tengok filem-filem melayu yang ditayangkan kat tv sampai habis, kalau tidak jangan harap lah. Tapi sedih betul aku tengok mutu filem-filem tersebut. macam hampesssss... buang karan je lah.

Aku sebetulnya bukan penggemar filem melayu, bukan anti tapi tak gemar. Walau pun dalam surat khabar promote sesuatu cerita tu bagai nak rak.. sorry le aku takde mood nak pergi tengok. Dari title cerita tu aku dah boleh agak bagaimana jalan cerita dan kesudahannya. Aku tak nak masuk panggung setakat nak buang masa dan buang duit, tak berbaloi langsung. Kalau orang bagi tiket free pun, belum tentu aku pergi, dari tertidur dalam panggung, baik aku terus tidur kat rumah, lena dan selesa lagi. Orang yang tak hargai seni, memang akan cakap macam gini le ghamaknya.

Seingat aku selama-lama aku hidup nie, satu je filem melayu yang aku tengok di panggung wayang, filem Sepet. Cerita nie semua orang cakap best dan kawan aku anita (penggemar teater dan filem inggeris) mencadang kan aku tengok cerita nie. Entah macamana aku boleh termakan dengan kata-kata Anita, nasib baik le cerita tu ok, tak membosankan dan yang paling penting, aku boleh terima, aku boleh tengok cerita nie berkali-kali. Cuma satu je, adengan berkemban, bagi aku tak ada scene tu pun plot cerita tak lari. Pendapat aku yang bukan orang seni filem ini mencerminkan wajah Malaysia. Aku tak malu nak mengaku yang filem Sepet was made in Malaysia. Salute to Yasmin Ahmad.

Bagaimana dengan Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL), yang aku dengar menelan belanja berjuta ringgit untuk menyiapkannya, bagus sangat ke filem ni, sampai budget mak oiii ngeri dengar. Jangan terkejut, walau pun promo gegila pasal filem nie, sket pun aku tak ambik pot. Aku cuma tengok bila disiarkan di TV2 last year. Jalan cerita dia so simple, cuma mahal sebab scenery dia yang cantik gila. The rest, aku rasa, just worth watching. Aku lagi prefer Sepet, filem yang bersahaja.

Selain dari dua filem yang kat atas tu, filem-filem lain, ya salammm.. tolong lah. Aku tak larat nak tengok cerita orang-orang kaya yang berpangkat Tan Sri, Dato’, Datin bagai. Aku dah muak dengan cerita stereotype yang dihidangkan sejak dulu sampai sekarang. Asyik-asyik berkisah tentang orang melayu tinggal kat rumah banglow tiga empat tingkat. Kisah orang yang betul-betul kaya vs miskin. Pastu cerita putra puteri raja yang tah hapa-hapa. Apa barang yang dihidangkan tu?? Ishkk.. aku lagi senang tengok cerekarama yang kadang-kadang menceritakan keperitan hidup orang biasa macam aku nie, lebih real.

Hari Raya Haji hari tu aku tengok cerita Indonesia, Kiamat Sudah Dekat. Filem yang simple dan amat memberi pengajaran kepada semua. Filem ini, bukan cerita terbaik di Indonesia pun, mungkin ada cerita yang lagi bagus, tapi aku aje yang belum menontonnya lagi. Aku suka tengok keadaan sebenar kota Jakarta yang digambarkan dalam filem ini. Walau pun ada orang kaya, tapi di gambarkan begitu natural dan tidak payah speaking mat salleh yang berhabuk. Bukan bahasa yang penting, tapi isi cerita, sampai tak kepada penonton. Itu lebih penting.
Bilakah filem melayu di negara ini akan mencapai tahap sedemikian??.. Mungkin kalau orang-orang pilem akan cakap “ko buat sendiri lah”.. ermmm dah aku katakan dari awal, aku bukan orang seni dan aku cuma memperkatakan apa yang aku rasa.. tak salah kan..

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rawatan Susulan

Pagi tadi aku ke Klinik Dr idris untuk rawatan susulan. Doktor masih lagi membekalkan aku ubat “danazol” seperti bulan sebelumnya. Tapi aku telah dimaklumkan dari awal yang aku terpaksa mengambil ubat tersebut selama 3 bulan, aku dah dapat agak dah yang doktor akan terus membekalkan ubat tersebut pada aku. Aku bernasib baik kerana segala kos perubatan dan rawatan susulan di cover oleh pihak insuran syarikat. Kalau lah bayar sendiri, aku agak pergi setakat GH je lah, takde le aku nak pergi Hospital Pantai. Kos rawatan susulan aje hampir RM300 setiap kali rawatan.

Kesan dari ubat “danazol” yang aku makan, menyebabkan berat badan aku naik dengan mendadak. Bayangkan sebelum pembedahan, berat badan aku Cuma 55kg, selepas pembedahan menurun kepada 53kg. Dan tadi selepas timbangan terkejut badak aku, dah naik 59kg. Bukan aku aje, doktor pun macam suspend gak. Doktor menasihati aku agak menjaga pemakanan aku dengan teratur dan banyak makan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. Aku ada bagitau doktor yang perut aku sentiasa lapar aje sejak dua menjak nie, itu sebab aku asyik makan aje. Tapi memandangkan aku terpaksa mengambil ubat ini dalam tempoh dua ke tiga bulan lagi, aku terpaksa mengamalkan diet yang ketat. Kalau tidak mau badan aku naik macam belon.

Mengikut kata doktor, ubat yang aku ambil akan mengurangkan estrogen level dan menaikkan paras androgen. Ini akan mebuatkan badan seolah-olah telah mengalami menopause, darah haid dihentikan untuk seketika untuk merawat endrometriosis. Tapi aku ada baca gak yang ubat ini juga akan menyebabkan aku akan mengalami ciri2 lelaki, nie yang aku seram nie. Tapi harap-harap, aku tidak akan sampai ke tahap itu. Aku tak nak suara aku bertukar menjadi garau, lepas tu tumbuh janggut dan misai. Ya ampun..

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Berkenaan Dengan Endometriosis

Biasanya kita manusia tidak akan mengambil tahu dengan mendalam akan sesuatu perkara, melainkan jika ianya terkena pada diri sendiri. Begitu lah yang terjadi pada diri aku. Setelah mendapat tahu ada sesuatu yang tak kena pada diri aku, baru lah aku mengelabah.

Sememangnya aku akan mengalami sengugut pada tiap-tiap bulan, tapi aku sangkakan ianya adalah normal kerana ia dialami oleh kebanyakan wanita. Tapi aku tidak begitu bernasib baik bila sengugut ku itu bukan normal, tapi sebenarnya penyakit yang dinamakan “endometriosis”.

Kesan dari “endometriosis”, ia menyebabkan rahim disebelah kananku diselaputi “choclate cyst” sebesar 8 cm, agak besar juga tu. Menurut Doktor Idris, dia terpaksa “repair” rahim di sebelah kananku yang ditumbuhi “cyst”, manakala tiub fallopianku disebelah kiri tersumbat dan membengkak juga terpaksa dibetulkan.
Selepas menjalani pembedahan, aku harus mengambil ubat danazol, selama tiga bulan. Rawatan dengan mengambil ubat hormon ini, dijangka dapat mengurangkan penyakit ini. Selepas rawatan ini, aku disarankan supaya mengandung secepat mungkin. Kerana penyakit ini, mungkin akan berulang, selagi darah haid aku ada. Aku selalu berdoa di setiap kali solat, semoga aku dikurniakan zuriat secepat mungkin. Semoga Allah memakbulkan doaku ini.. InsyaAllah.. sesungguhnya Dia maha Pemurah lagi maha Penyayang.

Betapa seksanya aku untuk untuk bergerak selepas pembedahan. Aku ditempatkan di wad selama seminggu dan diberi cuti sakit selama sebulan. Selama aku berpantang, banyak juga bahan bacaan berkenaan dengan penyakit ini aku baca. Bak pepatah melayu, Dah terantuk baru nak tergadah. Di sini aku nak kongsikan pengetahuan berkenaan dengan penyakit endometrosis nie.

What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that normally lines the uterus (endometrial tissue) occurs in other parts of the body. Stray endometrial tissue is often referred to as endometrial implants. Endometrial implants are most commonly found on the surface of the ovary, the ligaments that support the uterus and in the Pouch of Douglas (a small area between the uterus and rectum). Other areas include the surface of the uterus, fallopian tubes, bowel (eg. colon), cervix, vagina, vulva, ureters (the tubes connecting kidney to the bladder) and bladder. In some rare instances, endometrial implants have been found in areas of the body such as lungs, arms, legs, nose and other distant locations.

Studies suggest between 5 -10% of premenopausal women have the condition, with higher rates in infertile women.
What problems do endometrial implants cause?

Endometrial tissue which grows outside the uterus responds to hormones in the same way as the tissue which lines the uterus. That is, during every menstrual cycle the endometrial tissue thickens in readiness for ovulation and pregnancy and if pregnancy does not occur, the tissue breaks down causing bleeding. However, unlike the blood from the endometrial tissue lining the uterus, the blood from endometrial implants cannot escape the body. The trapped menstrual blood causes irritation and inflammation to the surrounding tissues and organs .

The body responds by trying to surround the ‘problem’ area with scar tissue to protect the rest of the body. The formation of scar tissue (adhesions) can result in the pelvic structures becoming stuck together, unable to move freely. Consequently, any movement such as that occurring in ovulation, sexual intercourse or emptying of the bowel can be painful. Over time, the endometrial tissue may also enlarge and form cysts, particularly in the ovaries. These cysts are often referred to as ‘chocolate cysts’ because they are filled with old blood which is chocolate-like in colour.

The symptoms of endometriosis vary widely from woman to woman. The severity of symptoms is not necessarily related to the severity of the endometriosis. For instance, a woman with extensive endometriosis may have few symptoms or none at all, while a woman with minimal endometriosis may have severe symptoms. Symptoms often depend on the location and depth of the endometrial implants. While women typically experience symptoms at the time of their period, if adhesions are present the symptoms may also occur at other times and can continue after menopause.
Women with endometriosis may not recognise they have the condition, believing their symptoms to be normal period pain and something “they just have to put up with”.

Symptoms include:
*Period pain (dysmenorrhoea)
*Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
*Pelvic and abdominal pain outside of menstruation
*Abnormal bleeding- including heavy bleeding, clotting, prolonged bleeding, irregular bleeding, premenstrual spotting
*Bowel disturbances - including painful bowel motions, diarrhoea, constipation, bleeding from the bowel
*Difficulty in getting pregnant
*Painful urination
*Lower back, thigh and/or leg pain
*Premenstrual syndrome
The anticipation of pain or discomfort, recurrence of symptoms following treatment and fertility problems can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, anger and hopelessness and stress. It is important to acknowledge the mental and emotional symptoms that can be associated with having this condition.

The exact cause of endometriosis has not been established but a number of theories exist within the medical community. The most accepted theory is that of 'retrograde menstruation.' This theory proposes that during menstruation some blood moves in the wrong direction up along the fallopian tubes and into the pelvis (instead of down through the cervix and out the vagina) where it releases endometrial tissue fragments. These tissue fragments then implant and grow on the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the back of the pelvis. The retrograde menstruation theory is supported by the fact that endometrial implants are most commonly found in these areas. It appears, however, that the majority of women do have some degree of retrograde menstruation and yet not all develop endometriosis. It is, therefore, suggested that other factors such as a lowered immune response may also play a role.

Other theories suggest stray endometrial cells occur during the formation of the foetus or are spread through the body via the blood or lymphatic system or through gynaecological surgery. Research is also examining whether there is a genetic component.

Risk factors

Women can be affected by endometriosis from as early as adolescence. There are a number of factors that appear to increase the chances of developing endometriosis, including:

Menstrual pattern- The frequency, length and heaviness of menstrual periods influence a woman’s endometriosis risk. An early onset of menarche (first period), short cycle length (under 28 days), long duration of flow (more than seven days), regular periods and heavy periods are all associated with an increased risk.
Family history - Women who have a family member who has been diagnosed with endometriosis have a higher risk of acquiring the condition. Similarly, women with a family history of the condition are more likely to have severe endometriosis.

Reproductive history - As pregnancy and lactation reduce the number of menstrual periods (and the opportunities for retrograde menstruation) having no or few children increases a woman’s risk of endometriosis.

Immune factors - It appears that women who suffer from endometriosis also experience a higher incidence of autoimmune conditions like chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, allergies and asthma.
Obstruction in outflow of menstrual blood -An obstruction (due to factors like congenital abnormalities, narrow cervix, etc) is thought to increase the likelihood of retrograde menstruation and, therefore, endometriosis.

Environmental toxins - Animal studies have suggested that environmental toxins like the chemical by-product dioxin may increase the risk of endometriosis. Dioxin may contribute to the development of endometriosis by mimicking the female hormone oestrogen and/or by compromising the immune system.

Endometriosis can be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms may initially be attributed to other health problems like pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, kidney stones, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and cystitis. As a result, women can experience significant delays between the time they report symptoms and the time they receive a diagnosis of endometriosis. Delays in diagnosis can leave women feeling frustrated, angry or depressed. Conversely, as it is known that some women with endometrial implants are asymptomatic there is the risk that a woman experiencing pain may be diagnosed with endometriosis on the presence of endometrial implants when, in fact, her symptoms are related to another condition.

A doctor may be able to detect signs of endometriosis during a pelvic examination. Tenderness in the pelvic region, a uterus that appears fixed and immobile (due to adhesions) and enlarged ovaries (from chocolate cysts) may all indicate the presence of endometriosis. If enlarged ovaries or a mass in the pelvis is detected, a vaginal ultrasound (which uses a probe inserted into the vagina) may be performed.

The only way to definitively diagnose endometriosis, however, is through laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure which involves inserting a long, thin telescope (laparoscope) into the abdomen through an incision near the navel. Gas is then pumped into the abdomen to separate the organs for better visualisation. The surgeon will look for signs of endometriosis and may take tissue samples for testing. A person’s endometriosis will be classified from mild to severe (stage I-IV) according to the location, amount, depth and size of the endometrial implants. Endometrial implants may also be removed at this time (see surgical treatment section).

Treatment options
Treatment for endometriosis depends on a number of factors including the severity of symptoms, the extent of the endometriosis, the woman’s age and the outcome she wishes to achieve (ie. pain reduction, improved fertility). There is no definitive cure for endometriosis but a combination of regular medical follow-up, drug treatment, surgery, diet and exercise and complementary therapies can help control the condition.

One of the common misconceptions concerning endometriosis is that having a baby will cure the condition. While endometriosis is generally suppressed during pregnancy, 50-60 percent of women will experience a recurrence within five years, with some women’s symptoms returning as soon as their periods resume. Some women actually experience a worsening of symptoms in the first few months of pregnancy.

Drug treatment
Drugs used for endometriosis can be divided into those simply providing pain relief and hormonal treatments. As endometrial implants are found to regress during pregnancy and menopause the majority of hormonal treatments are designed to mimic the woman’s hormonal state at these times. It is important to note that while drug treatments can shrink endometrial implants they have no effect on adhesions and do not improve fertility.
The possible risks, benefits and side effects should be discussed with a doctor at length before commencing treatment. Endometriosis can recur following drug therapy with the recurrence rate higher in women with a more severe condition. A number of other drug treatments are currently being trialled for the treatment of endometriosis.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - These drugs block the production of prostaglandins in the body. Prostaglandins have a number of functions, including making the uterus contract during menstruation to help with the shedding of the endometrium. These contractions can cause pain. It is thought that women with endometriosis may produce more prostaglandins than women without the condition. NSAIDs only work effectively if they are taken before the body produces prostaglandins and so it is best to start taking them the day before a period is expected. Women may need to try different formulations before they find one that is effective for them. Common side effects of NSAIDs include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach upsets and stomach ulcers. These can be reduced by taking the drugs with food or milk.

Combined oral contraceptive pill - The combined oral contraceptive pill contains a combination of the hormones oestrogen and progestogen. Oral contraceptives may be useful for women with milder symptoms, particularly adolescents and women who do not wish to take the other drugs available. In the treatment of endometriosis oral contraceptives are sometimes given continuously for several months (skipping the sugar pills). Taking oral contraceptives continuously eliminates the withdrawal bleed and, therefore, the incidence of period related pain. It also reduces the amount of blood and the possibility of further endometrial implants occurring by retrograde menstruation. Common side effects of the combined oral contraceptive pill include fluid retention, nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, vaginal discharge and decreased sexual drive.

Progestogens - Progestogens act as anti-oestrogens, inhibiting the growth of endometrial implants. Progestogens are available as tablets, injections, an intra-uterine system (Mirena) or an implant (Implanon). Side effects differ for each delivery methods but may include weight gain, fluid retention, nausea, breakthrough bleeding, depression and fatigue (less likely with the intra-uterine system).

GnRH agonists - These drugs are a modified version of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is a naturally occurring hormone. GnRH agonists work by stopping the ovaries producing the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, inducing an artificial menopause. The lack of oestrogen causes the endometrial implants to degenerate. GnRH agonists are administered by injection or nasal spray.

Side effects of GnRH agonists include menopause-related symptoms and a reduction in bone density. Although this latter side effect is largely reversible after ceasing medication, treatment with GnRH agonists is generally limited to a six month course to minimise the risk. “Add back” therapy, adding back low doses of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be used to overcome some of the side effects. GnRH agonists should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Danazol and Dimetriose - Danazol is a mild anabolic steroid that contains a weak form of testosterone, the male hormone. It creates a menopause-like state. Most of the women who take Danazol stop having a menstrual period and many experience other side effects. Side effects include those related to a drop in oestrogen (vaginal dryness, hot flushes and night sweats) and those related to an increase in testosterone (weight gain, decrease in breast size, acne or oily skin, increase in facial and body hair and voice changes). Muscle cramps, headaches, irritability, depression, decreased libido and increased cholesterol can also occur.
Dimetriose is a steroid which results in a menopause-like state. The side effects are similar to Danazol, although Dimetriose is reported to have fewer masculinising side effects. Both Danazol and Dimetriose should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment of endometriosis provides relief from symptoms for a significant percentage of women but, as with drug treatments, symptoms can recur in time. Unlike drug treatments, surgical treatment may improve women’s fertility.

The surgical removal of endometrial implants and adhesions can often be carried out at the time of the diagnostic laparoscopy. Accessible endometrial implants and adhesions are removed using a range of different instruments. Like with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with the use of anaesthetics. The most common side effect experienced by women following laparoscopic surgery is pain and discomfort in the abdomen and/or shoulder due to residual carbon dioxide gas.

Other side effects may include the development of adhesions and, rarely, damage to pelvic structures. In addition, there is the possibility that not all the endometriosis was visualised and, therefore, some still remains. Most women will be able to go home the same day they have the operation. They will generally take between 5-7 days to feel better and will be able to return to work sometime in the second week.

If a woman has extensive endometriosis, adhesions or other circumstances which make using a laparoscope difficult, a laparotomy may be recommended as it provides greater access than a laparoscopy. A laparotomy is a major surgical procedure involving an incision in the abdominal wall. This procedure carries with it greater risks and a longer anaesthetic. A laparotomy will require 3-5 days in hospital and 3-5 weeks to fully recover.

If a woman’s symptoms persist despite drug and conservative surgical treatment a hysterectomy may be suggested (see the Centre’s factsheet on hysterectomy for further details). This type of surgery is usually only chosen as a last resort and in cases where all other forms of treatment have failed. If the ovaries are unaffected by endometriosis they may be retained to avoid a surgically induced menopause. However, studies show that women who keep one or both of their ovaries often experience a recurrence of symptoms with some requiring further surgery. Women should discuss the pros and cons of keeping their ovaries at hysterectomy with their doctor.

If women have both ovaries removed at hysterectomy they are often prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to relieve menopausal symptoms. However, as HRT contains oestrogen there is a concern that it will lead to a persistence or recurrence of endometriosis. It is often recommended that women are not given HRT until several months after surgery to ensure that any remaining endometrial implants have time to completely regress.

Diet and exercise
A healthy diet and regular exercise help to maintain physical and emotional well being. Women with endometriosis are encouraged to eat more fresh, unprocessed foods like fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, while reducing the consumption of salt, sugar, fat, caffeine and alcohol (13). A well balanced diet plays an important role in assisting recovery following surgery as well as combating the side effects of drug treatments. The many benefits of regular exercise include more stable hormonal levels and stress and pain reduction.

Complementary therapies While there is limited scientific evidence supporting the use of such therapies for endometriosis, many women report finding complementary therapies helpful. There are a number of therapies available but those used most commonly in the treatment of endometriosis are herbal medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), aromatherapy, homeopathy, massage, yoga and meditation. Complementary therapies can assist in balancing hormone levels, relieving pain and reducing feelings of stress and depression often associated with the condition.

Women interested in using complementary therapies should consult a qualified practitioner who can properly advise them on a course of treatment. It is also important that women disclose their use of any complementary therapies to their doctor, particularly if they are also undergoing medical treatment for endometriosis.

Emotional support
In addition to the drug, surgical and complementary therapies available, women may find the services of a professional counsellor experienced in working with endometriosis helpful. They can help women address some of the issues associated with an endometriosis diagnosis. Similarly, women may consider joining a support group. Support groups can provide women and their families with information on endometriosis, coping strategies as well as contact with other people who are experiencing similar problems. Being able to talk to others also affected by endometriosis can reduce feelings of isolation.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru..

Assalamualikum semua.. terima kasih kepada semua teman2 blogger kerana sudi singgah ke blog dan bertanyakan khabar.. Akhir tahun lepas acik telah selesai menjalani pembedahan untuk membuang ketumbuhan (cyst) dan mendapat MC selama sebulan.. sekarang acik dah pulih dan sehat seperti sediakala Alhamdullilah..

Kalau ada kelapangan, InsyaAllah acik akan updatekan blog.

Thanks buat maya meera, masy, kak lady, imran , ayu, born2bdaie & Abg Bob. Salam perkenalan dihulurkan buat zali, shah & aidura sofee.. semoga perkenalan kita di alam cyber nie diberkati Allah.. InsyaAllah..